Sunday, May 9, 2010

Walking and Jumping Dodo

This week I animated a walk cycle and jump animation for my fat dodo and imported it into Unity. Importing the new animation cycles was completely straightforward. To start with every time I imported my Dodo as an FBX file unity would only import the Dodo's eyes, the bodies geometry was nowhere to be seen. I then tried importing the geometry as a Maya file directly which also had the same result.

After some messing around in Maya, and some heavy Googling I deleted all Maya history and re-imported my model into Unity successfully.

I have setup the animation sequences in Unity and attached a character controller to the model with a script to control the Dodo's movement and allow it to jump. This was incredibly easy to do which I found quite surprising. To learn how to do this I used Unity's documentation and a visit or two to the forums. I found Unity's documentation extremely detailed but, hard to find answers to specific questions as most documentation takes the form of complete tutorials.

You can walk around my Island set with my fat Dodo here, standard FPS controls apply (space to jump):

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