Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maya/Mac Troubles

This week I have been having quite a lot of trouble progressing with my animatic as Maya is running particularly slowly on my MacBook Pro. I have tried reinstalling Maya, deleting all the preference files and numerous other suggestions in from internet forums to no avail. Even creating a simple cube and trying to move it around results in the beach-ball-of-death for 5-10second each time I move it a little way. Weirdly all other programs on my Mac are functioning just fine.

At this stage I have given up using Maya on my Mac and am now using my PC which is working smoothly.

I have also had several attempts at UV mapping texturing my Dodo by using automatic mapping and them exporting snapshot to a PSD for me to texture and them apply as a material to the Dodo.

All of these steps go okay, UV map is created, snapshot looks okay, and material is assigned but, no matter what I do the texture doesn't appear on the model in high quality render, viewport... anywhere.

A screen shot showing the UV map applied texture and the viewport can be seen below. As you can see the texture and a UV map line up correctly in the UV texture editor but, in the viewport with textures visible the texture does not line up at all. I have spent several frustrating nights on this now. Unfortunate as it's the mid semester break I can't ask the teach staff advice until next Friday. As I have wasted so much time trying to work this out already I will have to move onto other tasks in the meantime.

To prove to myself I wasn't crazy I also modelled a box quickly and applied a UV map and texture in the same way within the same Maya file. As you can see below this worked perfectly which has frustrated me more.

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