Friday, May 21, 2010

Scene Two Complete

I have finished a very straight rough version of scene two which is a skit of a fat dodo trying to flying. I have just quick and roughly done the animation sequences in Maya and imported into Unity.

The sequences for in the Maya file for my fat dodo are:
Frames 1 - 50 - Lying on Ground/Idle
51 - 200 - Trying to Stand Up
201 - 260 run cycle
260 - 340 jumps into air and then crashes.

At this stages the animations are very rough. It will take quite a lot of time next semester to sit down and get these animations 100% perfect.

In putting together my second scene I also put together a script that fades out scene one and loads scene two. Fortunately this was much easier that I had thought. The code used to do this is:

LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel("Scene2",, 3);

It turns out fading between cameras is more difficult than fading between levels!

This weekend I hope to get scene three and four completed.

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